P r (T)=εσ(T 4 -T 4 S )
式中,P r为辐射功率;ε为热发射率,对于黑体,ε=1;σ为Stefan-Boltzmann常数,即黑体辐射常数;T为电池温度,K;T s是环境温度,K。
qn=-k (əT/ən)
式中,qn为热流密度,W·m -2;k为导热系数,W·m -1 ·K -1;əT/ən为电极等温线法线方向的温度梯度,K·m -1。
T米-T f )
其中 Q 是热通量,W;h为对流传热系数,W·m -2 ·K -1;A为面积,m 2;Tm为壁温,K;T f是流体温度,K。
Table 1 shows the heat production qT of the 18650 type (capacity 1.35A h) Li-ion battery at different discharge rates and the heat dissipation qd at different operating temperature ranges, where qacc is the heat absorbed by the battery itself. It can be seen that the heat of the battery is used to increase its own temperature because the heat dissipation is not timely, resulting in an increase in qacc. Therefore, through the heat dissipation of the battery, increasing the value of qd and decreasing the value of qacc can reduce the internal working temperature of the battery.
Table 1 Heat generation and heat dissipation behavior of 18650 Li-ion battery